In Sources, we ask you to select which column states when a record has been updated in the external system you plugged as a Source.
It is extremely important so that we make sure:
- We always deliver the most recent version of each record to the Dataset.
- We don’t scan your entire DB each time we retrieve data (you don’t want to overload your DB nor pay too much computing power).
If you are using a DB source and you don’t have such a column in your table, here is an example of how to create one (for PostgreSQL):
- In your table, create a column to store the current timestamp when a record is created or updated.
In this example the column will be
, please make sure you don’t already have another column with the same name.plain textALTER TABLE "{{schemaName}}"."{{tableName}}" ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS "updated_at" timestamp default now();
Please replace
and {{tableName}}
with the appropriate values.- Create the function that will set the current timestamp to the
plain textcreate or replace function "{{schemaName}}"."octo_set_updated_at"() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ BEGIN NEW."updated_at" = NOW(); RETURN NEW; END; $$;
Please replace
with the appropriate value.- Create the trigger that will execute the function each time a record is created or updated in your table.
plain textCREATE TRIGGER "octo_upsert_trigger_{{tableName}}" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "{{schemaName}}"."{{tableName}}" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "{{schemaName}}"."octo_set_updated_at"()
Please replace
and {{tableName}}
with the appropriate values.Advanced:
- Create columns & triggers for all tables in a schema.
plain textcreate or replace function "{{schemaName}}"."octo_set_updated_at"() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ BEGIN NEW."updated_at" = NOW(); RETURN NEW; END; $$; DO $$ DECLARE "schema" text := '{{schemaName}}'; "tablename" text; BEGIN FOR "tablename" IN (SELECT "table_name" FROM "information_schema"."tables" WHERE "table_schema" = "schema") LOOP EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE "%s"."%s" ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS "updated_at" timestamp default now()', "schema", "tablename"); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS "octo_upsert_trigger_%s" on "%s"."%s"', "tablename", "schema", "tablename"); EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER "octo_upsert_trigger_%s" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "%s"."%s" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "%s"."octo_set_updated_at"()', "tablename", "schema", "tablename", "schema"); END loop; END ; $$ language 'plpgsql';
Please replace
with the appropriate value.