πŸ““Connectors listing
πŸ““Organize your AudiencesπŸ““Create a DatasetπŸ““Create a SQL AudienceπŸ““Add Source to a DatasetπŸ““Transform an Audience
πŸ““Create new sync
πŸ““FAQπŸ““Scoring Library
πŸ““ API Docs

1. What type of data is covered by the connector?

The mailchimp connector enables to get / send any columns or merge field. However it doesn’t enables to manage tags for the moment.
The Mailchimp Marketing API allows us to do things like sync email activity and campaign analytics or manage audiences and campaigns.

2. What is the Mailchimp API Structure?

The Marketing API generally follows REST conventions, with some deviations.
  • Resources are typically nouns like subscribers or campaigns.
  • Subresources can be multiply nested under resources.
  • Actions are usually represented by HTTP methods. Actions that do not correspond to HTTP methods are collected under an actions/ subresource.
  • Responses use the generic JSON content type.

3. How to get informations asked to create the connector?

You will need to enter your API key and your datacenter informations.
The root url for the API is https://<dc>.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/.
The <dc> part of the URL corresponds to the data center for your account. For example, if the data center for your account is us6, all API endpoints for your account are available relative to https://us6.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/.
There are a few ways to find your data center. It’s the first part of the URL you see in the API keys section of your account; if the URL is https://us6.mailchimp.com/account/api/, then the data center subdomain is us6. It’s also appended to your API key in the form key-dc; if your API key is 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde-us6, then the data center subdomain is us6.

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