📊 Business Context
What is the “favorite store”?
- The favorite store is the most popular store for each customer.
- We define the favorite store as the store where the customer has made the most purchases.
- We don’t consider “Ecommerce” as a store.
- If the customer has realized the number of orders in 2 different stores, the favorite store will be considered as the one who received the most recent orders.
- Starting from one order, a store could be considered as favorite.
- The favorite store is defined as a new attribute in the Contacts table with the “Store ID” contained in the orders table.
What are the main use cases?
- Personalization :
- Display the favorite store in an email or on the website.
- Push specific offers related to the favorite store to the right customer
- Discovery : Advice customers that a new store has open in their location.
- Analysis :
- Understand how customers are distributed amongst stores.
- Understand what drives the choice of a favorite store > corelation to distance, store size, historical choice / habit, etc.
What business impact can I expect?
- Impact on: Web to store, ROPO.
- Level of impact: ⭐️⭐️️
↔️ Inputs & Outputs
Data input
You will need :
- A Customers dataset with following attributes
: unique identifier of the customer who made the purchase.
- An Orders datasets with at least following attributes
: unique identifier of the transaction.store_id
: unique identifier of the store in which the order has been made.order_date
: date at which the purchase was made.customer_id
: unique identifier of the customer who made the purchase.
User Settings
- Restrict the scope of orders to a given timeframe, for example : last 3 years.
- Add a higher ponderation to recent orders.
Expected output
- The output of this recipe is a new Dataset containing a row for each of your contacts who made at least one purchase.
- In the Dataset table, you will have a 3 new attributes
: ID of the favorite store for all orders in the scope.weekdays_favorite_store_id
: ID of the favorite store for orders that during week days.weekends_favorite_store_id
: ID of the favorite store for orders that during weekends.
- You can then make a join between your new Dataset and your existing Contacts Dataset to map your favorite store attributes.
In the Customers table, you will have a new attribute
with the Store_ID of the favorite store.🖥️ Implementation in Octolis
1. Prepare your input data
Make sure that you have built an Dataset containing all your customers, and another one with all your orders, with all the attributes needed.
In case you have several order Sources (e.g. eShop & PoS) you need to group all sources into an orders master Dataset.
2. Apply the SQL Template “Favorite store”
- Create a new Dataset using SQL expert mode.
- Copy / paste the following SQL template.
- After pasting the template, make sure to modify all variables with the names of your input columns.
- Add your “Favorite Store” Dataset as a source of your Contacts Dataset, map the needed fields to import them into your Contacts Dataset.
sql/* Favorite Store SQL Template */ /* Ponderation method: To add a higher ponderation to recent orders, we assign a weight value for all orders based on the order date. Parameter must be in ]0;1] range, a small value of parameter priviliges the recency. Setting parameter to 1 gives the same weight to all the orders, which cancels the ponderation. */ WITH order_weight AS (SELECT "contact_id", "store_id", "created_at"::TIMESTAMP, POW( 0.95, -- Tweak this parameter to change the weighting, set it to 1 to cancel ponderation. DATE_PART('day', NOW() - "created_at"::TIMESTAMP) / 30 ) AS "weight" FROM raw.orders WHERE /* Optional filters depending on your dataset */ "created_at"::TIMESTAMP BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 years' AND CURRENT_DATE AND "category" <> 'online' -- Filter E-commerce AND "total_amount" > 0 AND "completed" IS TRUE), store_scores AS (SELECT "contact_id", "store_id", MAX("created_at") AS "latest_order_date", -- Used in case different stores get same scores SUM("weight") AS "score", SUM("weight") FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM "created_at") NOT IN (6, 7)) AS "weekdays_score", SUM("weight") FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM "created_at") IN (6, 7)) AS "weekends_score" FROM order_weight GROUP BY "contact_id", "store_id") SELECT "contact_id", (ARRAY_AGG((CASE WHEN "score" IS NOT NULL THEN "store_id" ELSE NULL END) ORDER BY "contact_id", "score", "latest_order_date" DESC) FILTER (WHERE "score" IS NOT NULL))[1] AS "favorite_store_id", (ARRAY_AGG((CASE WHEN "weekdays_score" IS NOT NULL THEN "store_id" ELSE NULL END) ORDER BY "contact_id", "weekdays_score", "latest_order_date" DESC) FILTER (WHERE "weekdays_score" IS NOT NULL))[1] AS "weekdays_favorite_store_id", (ARRAY_AGG((CASE WHEN "weekends_score" IS NOT NULL THEN "store_id" ELSE NULL END) ORDER BY "contact_id", "weekends_score", "latest_order_date" DESC) FILTER (WHERE "weekends_score" IS NOT NULL))[1] AS "weekends_favorite_store_id" FROM store_scores GROUP BY "contact_id";